Originally created in 1982, Moto Quip has become a household name in motor vehicle accessories with its distinct packaging in a concept form and quality products for lower prices. This is a result of its superior sourcing capabilities and evolving insights into the market environment.
Established in 2017, Home Quip solves the ever-growing demand for “Home-Use” products while delivering innovative solutions to homeowners. From clothes dryers to vortex mosquito killers, our range is useful, functional, trendy and ideal for modern day urban living while understanding value for money.
Launched in 2014, Travel Quip offers a small concise range of travel accessories ranging from travel pillows to suitcase covers that are designed with the soul purpose of enhancing the travel experience.
Founded in 2000 as a response to the “4×4 phenomenon”, Leisure Quip is the outdoor lifestyle and camping specialists, providing incredible products to to all major chain stores and outdoor camping shops nationwide.
As a household name since our inception in 1984, we have a proven track-record in the industry
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